"Black is Beautiful" and more of Marcus Mosiah Garvey's famous quotes.
Marcus Mosiah Garvey, who was born Aug. 17, 1887, in Jamaica, founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association in the United States in 1916. The organization grew exponentially, claiming millions of members around the world. Garvey, a Black nationalists, led a "Back to Africa" movement, which advocated for all African people in the African Diaspora to return to the continent. In 1918, Garvey established the Negro World newspaper and a year later bought an auditorium in Harlem. He called it Liberty Hall, where thousands flocked to hear him speak. “Black people are subjects of ostracism,” Garvey said in 1921 to thunderous applause. “It is sad that our humanity has shown us no more love — no greater sympathy than we are experiencing. Wheresoever you go throughout the world, the black man is discarded as ostracized, as relegated to the lowest of things — social, political and economical.” Garvey preached that the problem could be solved only through Black pride and self-relia...